Big News!!
Kyle and I are going to Maui!!
We're taking off during my spring break and we're going to soak up the sun. I'm so excited I can't stand it!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Posted by Jessica at 10:23 PM 2 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
Trippin on Catnip
Lady got a care package today from Grandma Cormany with a homemade catnip toy! Here she is just moments after opening it...
Just afterward she ran immediately to her food bowl and chowed down.
Posted by Jessica at 7:43 PM 2 comments
Kitty Dentist
Lady had her first trip to the kitty dentist on Thursday. She now has beautiful kitty teeth, but they had to shave her arm for the IV which did not make her very happy. The good news is that her blood tests (the real reason for the visit) all came back normal. I guess maybe she really does just have kitten acid reflux.
Here is Lady recuperating at home with her little yellow bandage. She seems to be back to her old ways now; tearing around the house and investigating everything. Other than being a little bit more snuggly and a little less furry on one arm, she is as good as new!
Posted by Jessica at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
Almost finished moving!
Kyle and I are finally almost all settled into the new place! Last weekend we finished cleaning out the old apartment and turning in our keys. I am so glad I never have to go back to that place again! The new place is starting to come together as well. Here's Lady overseeing the progress from her kitten house.Here is the "dry bar" that I love. We'll have to have a housewarming party soon so we can put it to good use!
The living room as viewed from the couch. Yes that is FRIENDS on the TV there, haha. The blue is the color Kyle and I chose to paint the living room. It was a compromise of the color I wanted (lighter and more green) and the color Kyle wanted (deep blue). I am starting to like it actually. It is called Pleasant View. Perfect for a little love nest:)
Lady is loving it, so we know we chose well. Her new favorite place to hang out is the back of our new couch (Ryan's beloved old couch). I remember that Cappy liked to lay there as well, so maybe its just a cat thing. Kyle already has a favorite seat on the couch and go figure, that Lady's favorite spot is on his headrest. She is such a Daddy's girl!
Moving is hard work guys!
Posted by Jessica at 12:34 PM 1 comments