Monday, August 10, 2009

Dolphins at Half Moon Bay

Today I went to Half Moon Bay with Natalie to escape the heat. It was a whopping 98 degrees here in Palo Alto today (I know you poor NorCal people deal with that all the time, I'll stop whining).

When we got there it was pretty foggy, but we did catch a glimpse of some awesome marine life! We saw seals and a whole pod of dolphins. I'm not sure what kind they were, but they were playing and eating and hanging out right by the shore the entire time we were there. It was a pretty amazing sight!

I got a couple videos of them, but I posted the shorter one. Enjoy!


Peterson Family said...

Jess you should have thrown on your wet suit and done some tricks with them ;)

I love the beach-too bad my lame husband is not into taking me there becuase of his freakish shark fears???

Jessica said...

Poor Jill. Well, I'll take you to the beach when you come visit. I think you'd like Half Moon Bay.

Jessica said...

You have a sick sense of humor Erin... haha. Only you would want to see that kind of animal carnage in person.