Sunday, February 8, 2009


Since Kyle got into Stanford and we are outgrowing our studio we have been hoping to find a new place in Palo Alto. Yesterday we searched all over Craigslist and then went driving around the neighborhoods we like. We found one that we liked but decided to see what else we could find that compared. After searching all day we went back to the first place and decided to get it since it was a freaking deal. Lucky for us that we went back when we did, because there was another couple that were out looking at it when we showed up that were wanting the place too. Phew!

The place is pretty rad! It was just remodeled and has all new appliances (I'll take pictures next time we go). It has a cute little bar that will be a good place for me to display all my cute glasses that have been in boxes for about 2 years! The complex itself is sweet too. It has 5 swimming pools (1 heated), 3 tennis courts, a day spa, a sauna, a gym, a movie theater, a billiards room, and a continental breakfast every sunday - all included in rent. Best yet, it is right across the street from Stanford!! Kyle will literally be able to roll out of bed and ride his bike to class. For me, it is easy access to 280 for work, and it is close enough to my coworkers that I'll be able to carpool. Plus, it is walking distance to Stanford shopping center!

We are moving next weekend, so it will be a busy week. We are so freaking excited to live in a nice place for once! We can finally eat our dinner at our table, have a bedroom door that we can close, and actually cook in our kitchen since it will be big enough to use! Even better, we can actually have people come over and I can walk around my neighborhood without fearing for my life! Woohoo!


sarrah said...

That's freakin awesome! I'm so happy you found one! YAY!!! :)

Peterson Family said...

Wow, I can't wait to come and check it out!! It seems like we're all movin'??? PS-our new address and #...
1932 Letterkenny Drive
Lincoln CA 95834