Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas!

This year's Vegas trip was a complete blast. I got to room with Brie and Erin, the two Vegas trip newbies. It was so much fun to hang out with the girls and have no responsibility whatsoever. We spent pretty much all our time downtown this year since we were having too much fun to make it down to the strip. Among the highlights for me were watching mom scream at the cab driver that he was a huge A-hole, watching the almost brawl in the hot tub, and cracking up with the girls as we danced on the bar at Gold Diggers.

As always though it was fun to see all the ladies together and hear their stories from the year and check out the shoes from this year's theme: Ugly Shoes.

Maybe next year I'll be able to keep up with all the "mommies gone wild" and actually stay up past 2!