Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ano Nuevo

Today I went with Natalie and Greg to Ano Nuevo to go see the elephant seals hanging out. They are so HUGE! We saw them from the top of a nice sand dune, and we got to walk down really close to them. One of the ginormous guy seals was laying right in our path and started to wake up as we were passing. I was pretty nervous because he started puffing up his nose. He was not happy about being disturbed from his nap! Here are some pics...

These guys are so loud! I tried to get a shot of the boys fighting over the girls, but they weren't cooperating. They were more interested in wooing the ladies like the fella above. The boys are the huge ones with the big "elephant" noses. The girls are all laying around in the harems just trying not to get squished! The babies sound kind of like chimps and the adults make a grunting noise. The boys make a loud snort noise when they get mad and want to challenge another male. In this video, the male is trying to sneak up to a group of females, but on the other side he was getting warned to stay away by a bigger seal.


Peterson Family said...

Wow, how do you get there? I would love to take the boys to see that!!! Cole goes "mommy, silly those are not elephants" :) MISS YOU!!!